About Us
Landing Gear Technologies, LLC is a landing gear overhaul and repair facility with a reputation for unmatched quality and service. Our hand-picked personnel offer you one the most qualified and experienced repair and overhaul teams available in the industry. Our staff’s fine workmanship and attention to detail is matched only by the industries best warranty.
Our Capabilities
AirCraft Capabilities
AirCraft Capabilities
In House Capabilities
In House Capabilities
Inspection Capabilities
Inspection Capabilities
Our Services
Landing Gear Technologies primarily specializes on the repair and overhaul of Landing gear systems but we do offer a host of other services. LGT also has a large inventory of ready to ship overhauled and serviceable parts that are available for sale , or to be exchanged to help minimize down time during unanticipated complications. Listed Below are some of the services we offer. If you have any inquiries please visit our Contact Us page for information on how to get in touch with us.

Our Customers Include